Minding Your Balance™

Mind Body Techniques from the Martial Arts for Better Balance — on Your Feet and in Life

Balance only comes to mind when we begin to lose it – something that happens more often with age. One in three adults age 65 and older takes a fall every year, with one out of five falls resulting in moderate to severe injuries that undermine the ability to live independently and increase the likelihood of an early death.

Minding Your Balance™ draws on lessons from the martial art Ki-Aikido to take a groundbreaking look at balance and its fundamental relationship to mind and emotion. Through easily accessible exercises, scientific insights, and stories of applications in everyday life you will learn how to mind your balance for greater stability – on your feet and in life.

Upcoming Classes

Buy the Minding Your Balance Book on Amazon

Questions? Contact us at balance@denverkiaikido.com or call 720 934-1098

